Interrupt Registers

UARTICR: Interrupt Clear Register

15:11ReservedReserved, read as zero, do not modify.
10OEICOverrun error interrupt clear. Clears the UARTOEINTR interrupt.
9BEICBreak error interrupt clear. Clears the UARTBEINTR interrupt.
8PEICParity error interrupt clear. Clears the UARTPEINTR interrupt.
7FEICFraming error interrupt clear. Clears the UARTFEINTR interrupt.
6RTICReceive timeout interrupt clear. Clears the UARTRTINTR interrupt.
5TXICTransmit interrupt clear. Clears the UARTTXINTR interrupt.
4RXICReceive interrupt clear. Clears the UARTRXINTR interrupt.
3DSRMICnUARTDSR modem interrupt clear. Clears the UARTDSRINTR interrupt.
2DCDMICnUARTDCD modem interrupt clear. Clears the UARTDCDINTR interrupt.
1CTSMICnUARTCTS modem interrupt clear. Clears the UARTCTSINTR interrupt.
0RIMICnUARTRI modem interrupt clear. Clears the UARTRIINTR interrupt.

UARTIFLS: Interrupt FIFO Level Select Register

15:6-Reserved, do not modify, read as zero.
5:3RXIFLSELReceive interrupt FIFO level select. The trigger points for the receive interrupt are as follows:

b000 = Receive FIFO becomes ≥ 1/8 full

b001 = Receive FIFO becomes ≥ 1/4 full

b010 = Receive FIFO becomes ≥ 1/2 full

b011 = Receive FIFO becomes ≥ 3/4 full

b100 = Receive FIFO becomes ≥ 7/8 full

b101-b111 = reserved.
2:0TXIFLSELTransmit interrupt FIFO level select. The trigger points for the transmit interrupt are as follows:

b000 = Transmit FIFO becomes ≤ 1/8 full

b001 = Transmit FIFO becomes ≤ 1/4 full

b010 = Transmit FIFO becomes ≤ 1/2 full

b011 = Transmit FIFO becomes ≤ 3/4 full

b100 = Transmit FIFO becomes ≤ 7/8 full

b101-b111 = reserved.

UARTIMSC: Interrupt Mask.Set.Clear Register

15:11-Reserved, read as zero, do not modify.
10OEIMOverrun error interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTOEINTRinterrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTOEINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
9BEIMBreak error interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTBEINTRinterrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTBEINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
8PEIMParity error interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTPEINTRinterrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTPEINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
7FEIMFraming error interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTFEINTRinterrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTFEINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
6RTIMReceive timeout interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTRTINTRinterrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTRTINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
5TXIMTransmit interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTTXINTRinterrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTTXINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
4RXIMReceive interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTRXINTRinterrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTRXINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
3DSRMIMnUARTDSR modem interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTDSRINTR interrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTDSRINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
2DCDMIMnUARTDCD modem interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTDCDINTR interrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTDCDINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
1CTSMIMnUARTCTS modem interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTCTSINTR interrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTCTSINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
0RIMIMnUARTRI modem interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTRIINTR interrupt.

On a write of 1, the mask of the UARTRIINTR interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.

UARTMIS: Masked Interrupt Status Register

15:11-Reserved, read as zero, do not modify
10OEMISOverrun error masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTOEINTR interrupt.
9BEMISBreak error masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTBEINTR interrupt.
8PEMISParity error masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTPEINTR interrupt.
7FEMISFraming error masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTFEINTR interrupt.
6RTMISReceive timeout masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTRTINTR interrupt.
5TXMISTransmit masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTTXINTR interrupt.
4RXMISReceive masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTRXINTR interrupt.
3DSRMMISnUARTDSR modem masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTDSRINTR interrupt.
2DCDMMISnUARTDCD modem masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTDCDINTR interrupt.
1CTSMMISnUARTCTS modem masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTCTSINTR interrupt.
0RIMMISnUARTRI modem masked interrupt status. Returns the masked interrupt state of the UARTRIINTR interrupt.